Thursday 7 July 2011

Practical oh Practical

dup dap dip dup dap dip...jantung aku berdebar menanti tarikh bagi melaporkan diri ke tempat yang dikehendaki...iaitu 04/07/2011, arie isnen...bermulalah aku sebagai sorang pekerja di sesebuah syarikat tersebut...dapat jugak aku membuat latihan industri(LI)...egatkan tak lepas doe...fuhh..!!alhamdulillah...syukur~

opis aku

Terdapat banyak bangunan yg, memang penat jika hanya berjalan kaki untuk melawat kawasan...better use ada syaratnya, harus memakai helmet dan perlu bagi IC kepada penjaga(pakguard or makguard)...jangan merayau sorang2 diri yer(bahaya)...takut sesat jalan pulang...jeng3...

Seramai 5 orang budak Polimas(1 lelaki, 4 perempuan) yg akan membuat practical bersama dengan aku...ermm...sedih bangat, aku sorang2 je dari Psas nie...

Arie pertama, meronda kawasan sekitar tempat practical dengan motor aku xada motor, xada helmet, xada lesen lagi kot...then, incek bagi motornya, helmetnya...huhu...sempoi...

Ptg, membaikpulih lampu bawah tanah yang tidak mahu menyala...ish2...cuaca yang sangat panas terik, rasa macam nak marah je.....tension semua...huh....sabar2, sabar separuh dari imam...

Arie kedua, mendekorasi bilik untuk sambutan hari lahir seseorang yg tinggi pangkatnya...nak wat surprise gitu...keke...kami meniup, mengepam belon seharian...kuantiti yg banyak diberikan...berbaloi jugak hasilnya dengan kerjasama antara kami dan kakitangan....

IR AZMI pn wt keja jugak..

manyax nyew belon2...

Arie ketiga, mencatat perkakasan dalam sesebuah bangunan bagi setiap aras(8 bilik)...sek bek blok B je...kaki pun rasa macam nak cramp,siyes bak hang...haha...

penat wei...muka pn da b'peluh kowt...!!!

Tiap2 pagi dan sebelum balik ke rumah kena punch card dlu taw...

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Keluar Matahari, Balik Bulan

Selepas subuh aku tidak sambung tidur lagi...malah, membawa diri sorang2 makan sarapan(nasi lemak)...menjadi makanan pilihan aku...mabeless..!!walaupun mak aku ada masak mee goreng, bihun goreng, pisang goreng di atas meja tu...

Menghadap komputer (laptop) apabila mendapati diri ni merasa kebosanan yang terlampau...tidak disedari, agak lama jugak aku menghabiskan masa di depan laptop ea...

Aku dengan segera menyiapkan diri (mandi, gosok gigi, cuci muka)...memakai pakaian yang telah diseterika tadi...kawan aku akan mengambil aku untuk keluar berfoya2...huhu...aku menghantar pesanan ringkas (sms) kepada cik azwa,"ang ada kat mana dah??aku dah hampir siap ni"...cik azwa menjawab,"aku ada kat rumah saera,nak aku mai ambil sekarang ka??"...apa lagi...aku terus balas begini,"maila"...

Ketiadaan makbapak serta abang aku menyebabkan suasana yang agak sunyi...tetiba ja, kedengaran enjin motor...muncul lah motor cik azwa dan cik saera di depan rumah aku...berkata di lubuk hati aku ni,"cepatnya sampai..!!!xsiap lagi kot"...dengan pantas, aku menjemput mereka supaya masuk ke dalam rumah aku dulu...

Mereka berkata,"ish3...xsiap lagi cik belon ni"...haha...aku tidak menghiraukan kata-kata mereka itu...lalu aku menyuruh mereka menjamah sedikit makanan yang berada di atas meja tersebut...mereka mengambil mee goreng untuk diisi ke dalam perut mereka...

Then,bersuka ria la kami semua..!!hihih....♥♥

klon transformers

melekit kat dinding cm cicakwomen la plak

Dahaga kn3??nah minum air mineral ni........heee~

Kebesokkannya,jubli mass...tempat tuk berjoging, bersenam, berekreasi dan ber2 kalau nak berdating ni..!!kompom ag best jugak (port t'baex pnya)...kekeke...

Maksudnya : kami keluar siang, balik malam...
                     b'turut-turut (kaki merayau cik2 kalian ea)...^_~

Wednesday 22 June 2011

3 Hari 2 Malam

5 Jun 2011, 9:30 pagi bertolak dari rumah ke stesen bas (Shahab Perdana)...agak ramai jugak orang di, kena membuka mata dengan seluasnya untuk mencari di mana kawan aku ni...sememangnya aku adalah orang yang paling lambat sampai daripada kawan-kawan aku yang lain...haha...sebab bangun lewat ja...kami pun terus mencari bas untuk dinaiki segera...tambang bas ke Perlis ialah RM5.30..kami mengambil tempat duduk yang paling belakang sekali...tetapi malangnya sebelah aku pula ada seorang lelaki yang berkelakuan aneh (mengangkat kaki, mengeluarkan bunyi yang pelik)...argghhh...risau sangat, nasib baik tidak menggangu aku langsung...
dalam bas Maraliner
Dalam kesibukkan bercerita masing-masing, tidak terperasan pula yang kami sudah sampai ke destinasi yang hendak di tujui...biasalah sudah lama tidak ketemu...tetapi kawan aku yang seorang ni,cik saera sempat lagi tidur dalam bas tu...hehe...

Bas yang kami naiki itu telah sampai ke Bukit Lagi...dengan pantas aku menelefon kawan aku,cik zahid yang menetap di sana untuk menyuruhnya mengambil aku dan kawan-kawan aku lah...huhu...berkatanya "tunggu sekejap tau, aku kat pasar tani ni" cakap cik zahid...

Beberapa minit kemudian, tibalah cik zahid membawa kereta kancilnya...tanpa segan silu kami pun menaik kereta yang dipandu oleh cik zahid tu...hihi...kami singgah ke rumah dia dulu sebelum pergi kenduri kakak kawan aku jugak,cik fiza...
driver cool
Kami pun terus menuju ke bilik cik zahid bagi menyiapkan diri (seterika pakaian yang hendak dipakai, mekap setebalnya)...memakan masa yang agak lama jugak...fuhh..!!mengalahkan penggantin je...hoho...tetapi sebelum bergerak ke rumah kenduri cik fiza, kami disuruh menjamah sedikit makanan yang disediakan oleh maknya iaitu mee bandung...yummy...

Selesai sudah semuanya...bergerak la kami ke rumah kenduri cik fiza tu...lebih kurang 15 minit untuk sampai ke rumahnya...sepanjang perjalanan kami terlihat banyak kenduri kahwin yang dilangsungkan...terlintas di fikiran kami, siapa lah yang akan kahwin dulu??jeng3...aku ka...lalalalala~

Sampai jua akhirnya..!!!dari kangar ke kuala perlis...kami terus menjamu selera, tanpa menggangu kesibukkan cik fiza menguruskan majlis perkahwinan kakaknya...kami terlepas untuk menyaksikan silat, tarian muka topeng yang menakutkan, dan sebagainya...ermmm...

Cuaca kelihatan agak panas, kami masuk ke dalam rumahnya...waaa...tema penggantin kaler hijau(bukan kaler kesukaan aku)...keke...kami lepak di ruang tamu sambil memerhati orang yang lalu lalang, berbual-bual kosong sesama kami...kami ternampak maknya, dengan bingkas kami bangun menyapanya(salam tangan)...maknya berkata "kawan cik fiza ea"...yup, jawab kami semua serentak...

Kami meminta diri dari rumah penggantin...cik fiza berkata pulak,"malam ni tidur sini tau!!"...insyallah...cik zahid membawa kami bersiar-siar di kuala perlis...fuh..!!!macam-macam ada(kereta kuda, jambatan panjang, gerai makanan)...kiki...jam di tangan menunjukkan pukul 6:45, cik azwa bekerja besok...memang kena balik Alor Star jugak...kami pun tergesa-gesa menuju ke kereta kancil tu, cik zahid pecut kelajuannya takut tidak ada bas pulak...

cik azwa

cik saera

cik zahid

aku la, cik belon

Kami menghantar cik azwa pulang ke stesen bas, tetapi tidak mempunyai bas yang dikehendaki...ish3...macam mana ni??serabut cik azwa memikirkannya...nasib baik ada seorang pemandu bas berumur lingkungan umur 26 ke atas, memberi bantuan untuk menaiki bas yang dia akan bawa ke Perak...nanti dia akan menghentikan bas di Alor Star...kami berasa sedikit risau, zaman sekarang ni boleh ka nak mempercayai orang yang tidak dikenali...ha??...cik azwa berkata,"xpa...aku dah dewasa...pandailah nak jaga diri sendiri"...aku pun berkata kepadanya,"nanti dah sampai rumah,mesej aku ye, jangan tidur atas bas tu(celik mata selalu)"...

Kuranglah kawan aku seorang(tak cukup geng ni)...waduh2...kami kembali ke rumah cik zahid...seharian penat berjalan, mahu berehat dan bersihkan badan...tetapi perut berbunyi(krik3) menyatakan lapar...kami pun keluar lagi, mencari tempat untuk dimakan...nak makan apa??kat mana??...cik zahid membawa ke roundabout kangar...banyak jugak gerai-gerai makanan di situ...

Sesudah kenyang perut masing-masing, kami kembali lagi ke rumah cik zahid...kami berborak-borak, bergelak ketawa, bergurau senda...kiki..tengok-tengok cik saera dah melelapkan matanya...zzzZZ...aku dengan cik zahid membiarkan saja...lantas, aku dan cik zahid menyambung bersembang tadi...tidak sangka pulak asyik bercerita sampai ke pagi(3a.m-4a.m)...

Kebesokkan harinya, 6 Jun 2011...kami merancang banyak tempat untuk dilawati(berfoya-foya)...akhirnya, Bukit Ayer menjadi pilihan kami...on the way, kami dapat melihat Taman Ular, Taman Burung, Ladang Anggur dan Harummanis...kami berasa seronok sangat...hoorey..=)

Bukit Ayer

Setelah puas bermandi-manda, kami menyuruh cik zahid menghantar kami ke rumah cik fiza seperti yang dijanjikan kelmarin untuk bermalam di rumahnya...semasa dalam perjalanan, ternampak pasar malam la...apa lagi(menghentikan kereta)...kami pergi membeli cucuk-cucuk(bebola, ketam dan sebagainya)...kami saling menyuap-yuap makanan...haha...akrab persahabatan kami ni(harap berkekalan ea)...^^

Di rumah cik fiza, kami makan dinner = bihun laksa+air bandung di atas kamar tidur kami sambil menonton wayang(movie kongsi)...dasat2...perut kami teramat penuh...bertambah belon la aku ni...hehe...

pelamin di belakang nun

Kebesokkan harinya pulak, 7 Jun 2011...kami bangun awal pagi tu, menolong mengemaskan rumah cik fiza...rajin kan kami...dah boleh buat menantu nie...huhu...breakfastnya cik fiza memasak mee goreng...rasanya boleh tahan la(masin sikit)...tetapi pandai jugak dia memasak dari aku ni..!!!

Bersiap-siap kami serumah untuk pergi makan kenduri(dua tempat)...aku dengan cik saera ikut ja...hihi...kami menaiki kereta yang dipandu oleh abang cik fiza...makbapak cik fiza dibawa oleh kereta suami kakaknya...bermulanya perjalanan kami dari sini ke sana...kiki...apabila selesai semuanya, mereka membawa ke rumah neneknya cik fiza...hanya sekejap ja kami berada di situ kerana aku dengan cik saera perlu pulang ke tanah air(Kedah)...lalalalala~

Maka dengan itu, berakhirlah 3 hari 2 malam kami di Perlis Indera Kayangan...terbaik..!!!terbaik dari ladang...kekeke...

ada bakat penulis x??
akan datang, coming soon.....

Saturday 18 June 2011

Historial Of SuperJunior


Super Junior [Korean: 슈퍼주니어], often referred to as SJ or SuJu [슈주], is a boy band from Seoul, South Korea formed by SM Entertainment in 2005. With a total of thirteen members, they are the largest boy band in the world. The group consists of Leeteuk (the leader), Heechul, Han Geng, Yesung, Kang-in, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook, Kibum, and later, Kyuhyun. The Chinese member, Han Geng, was chosen from three thousand applicants, via auditions held in China by SM Entertainment in 2001.

Super Junior has released and contributed in 19 different kinds of records with varying degrees of success. Over the years, they have been divided into smaller sub groups, simultaneously targeting different music industries and audiences. Largely due to Super Junior's success as entertainers, other Korean entertainment managements began to train their music groups in other areas of entertainment, such as acting and hosting. In addition to their commercial success, Super Junior has earned four music awards from the M.NET/KM Music Festival, another four from the Golden Disk Awards, and is the second singing group to win Favorite Artist Korea at the MTV Asia Awards after JTL in 2003.


Since the late 1990s, Korean talent agency and record label SM Entertainment has been holding annual auditions to scout new talents that complemented the success of pop groups H.O.T, S.E.S, and Shinhwa, all of which were created by SM founder Soo-Man Lee in the mid 1990s. Leeteuk and Eunhyuk were the first two members of the group to be recruited in 2000 under SM's Starlight Casting System in Seoul.

In 2001, the company held their first overseas casting auditions and discovered Han Geng in Beijing, who was chosen among three thousand applicants. That same year, Yesung was discovered under Seoul's casting system; Sungmin and Donghae were also selected to be trainees after their appearance in an SM-sponsored contest. In 2002, Heechul and Kangin was recruited along with Kibum, who was discovered in Los Angeles. Siwon was casted in 2003 and Ryeowook in 2004, in which the latter was discovered through the Chinchin Youth Festival singing competition. In 2005, Shindong was selected.

Not long after boy band TVXQ's debut in 2003, news about Lee's unprecedented plans of forming another boy band quickly spread on the Internet. In early 2005, Lee confirmed the news and announced that an all-boy project group of twelve members would debut near the end of the year, promoting this singing group to be "The Gateway to Stardom of Asia." Lee announced that that most members in this group were chosen because of their performing experiences as actors, MCs, models, and radio hosts prior debut. Heechul and Kibum were already established entertainers, and most of the other members had already made various kinds of appearances on television and media. Highly inspired by the rotational concept of Japan's girl group Morning Musume, this group would also experience line-up changes, with new members replacing some selected members every year to keep the group constantly young and all-rounded. This concept was then newly introduced to the K-pop market.

For a while the group was rumored to be called O.V.E.R, the acronym for "Obey the Voice for Each Rhythm." However, before the group settled with their current name, SM simply referred to them as Junior, a representation of the members' young ages when they first became SM trainees. After the members' showcased their different talents to the company at a picnic, the company finalized their concept name to Super Junior. The group thereafter became officially Super Junior 05, the first generation of Super Junior.

Super Junior 05 made their pre-debut on the Korean channel Mnet on September 11, 2005. At the showcase, they performed various styles of hip hop dancing. The group danced to B2K's "Take It To The Floor." Han Geng, Eunhyuk, and Donghae also performed a separate dance away from the group, dancing to Usher's "Caught Up." However, the performance did not air on television until May 16, 2006 as a segment in the Super Junior Show, the group's first television documentary.

2005–2006: The Super Junior project

Super Junior 05 debuted on SBS's music program Popular Songs on November 6, 2005, performing their first single, "TWINS (Knock Out)." A digital single with "TWINS (Knock Out)", "You are the one", and three additional tracks were released online on November 8. A physical CD single was scheduled to be released the following week but a more complete album, SuperJunior05 (TWINS), was released on December 6, 2005 instead. Their debut album sold 28,536 copies in the first month of release and debuted at #3 in the monthly chart of December 2005. In that same month, they released "Show Me Your Love," a collaboration single with TVXQ. "Show Me Your Love" became the best-selling record of December 2005, selling 49,945 copies that month.

In February 2006, Super Junior 05 began performances for "Miracle", the second promotional single from their debut album. "Miracle" was the group's first single to peak #1 in online music charts of South Korea as well as the music charts of Thailand, drawing interest from international markets. As promotions for "Miracle" came to an end, SM Entertainment began selecting new members for Super Junior's second line-up project, Super Junior 06. The company even prepared a list of chosen members that were to graduate from the group. However, no members were taken out and a thirteenth member was added instead in May 2006. The line-up project has been abandoned since then, and the group became known as just Super Junior, without the suffix "05".

2006–2007: Breakthrough success

On May 23, 2006, SM Entertainment revealed the thirteenth member Kyuhyun, who was discovered through a singing competition in 2005. They released their single "U" online for free download on May 25, 2006 in their official website. "U" had over 400 thousand downloads within five hours of release and it ultimately exceeded 1.7 million downloads, crashing the server. The physical single of "U" with a total of three tracks was released on June 6, 2006, eventually selling over 81,000 units. The single became one of Korea's most popular songs of the year, yielding #1 spots for five consecutive weeks on two of Korea's top music programs.[19] By the end of the year, Super Junior collected over seven awards in five of South Korea's top music award ceremonies, winning the title as Best New Group of 2006.

Super Junior's first sub-unit, the ballad-singing trio Super Junior-K.R.Y., debuted on November 5, 2006 with a performance of Hyena theme song "The One I Love" on KBS music program Music Bank. A second sub-unit arrived in February 2007 called Super Junior-T. The trot-singing group released their first single "Rokkugo" in February 23, 2007 and made a debut performance on Popular Songs two days later.

Super Junior's second official album was intended for a late 2006 release, but due to several accidental setbacks, Don't Don was not released until September 20, 2007. Within the first three days of release, offline album sales for Don't Don passed the 11,000 unit mark, debuting as #1 in all available offline charts. It finished the September monthly album sales as #1. 60,000 units were shipped by the first week of release and additional copies were printed. Although Don't Don received rather bland reviews from critics, the album sold more than 160,000 copies by the end of the year, becoming the second best-selling record of 2007. The album also found success in Taiwan; it broke the record for being the highest ranked Korean album on the G-music Combo Billboard Chart, surpassing the albums of TVXQ and Shinhwa. Super Junior's album also ranked above Taiwanese boy band K One, whose album debuted at #6.

Supported by the release of Don't Don, Super Junior was nominated in seven separate categories at the 2007 M.NET/KM Music Festival that was held on November 17, 2007. Super Junior won three of those categories including "Netizen Choice Award" and "Mobile Popularity", being the biggest winner of the night. The group also won "Best Artist of the Year" (Daesang), termed by many as the highest recognition of the ceremony. Super Junior collected two more awards on December 14, 2007 at the 2007 Golden Disk Awards. Although defeated by SG Wannabe in winning the "Daesang", Super Junior won a "Bonsang" and the "TPL Anycall Popularity Award", which were reported as expected wins for the group by the media after the success of Don't Don.

2008–present: Beyond Korea

On October 2, 2007, SM Entertainment announced a third Super Junior sub-unit Super Junior-M, a subgroup designated for the Chinese market. While the creation of the subgroup created a brief controversy between the fans and the management, Super Junior-M became a phenomenal success in China, having the opportunity to have two sold-out concerts in Hong Kong, top weekly ratings with their appearance on variety programs, and becoming the idol group with the most endorsement contracts in China. With the absence of almost half of the members in Korea, a fourth Super Junior sub-unit was created that same year to prevent Super Junior from disappearing in the Korean music industry. With five members from Super Junior-T and Yesung, they formed the subgroup, Super Junior-Happy. Super Junior-Happy released the EP Cooking? Cooking! on June 5, 2008, and promotions ended on September 7, lasting for four months. In November 2008, Super Junior-T returned, this time as a singing group in Japan, called SuperJunior-TxMoeyan; this group added Moeyan, a famous two-woman comedy group in Japan. "ROCK&GO", a Japanese-language version of "Rokuko", debuted at #19 on the Oricon Daily Charts and jumped to #2 three days later.

Super Junior's first major tour, Super Show, commenced on February 22, 2008 in Seoul. The tour covered three countries and had shows on six different cities, including Bangkok, Shanghai, and Beijing. From July 8 to July 9, 2008, Super Junior held their first fan meeting in Japan, at the Nippon Budokan in Tokyo, as a celebration for the grand opening of their official Japanese Homepage, which was launched on April 1, 2008. 12,000 tickets to the fanmeeting were all sold out in several days. The group released a compiled Japan single the following day, entitled "U/TWINS", which includes the Japanese version of "U" in the limited release, to complement the event. The single peaked at #4 on Japan's Oricon Daily Chart in its first day of release, and dropped down to only four places in its second. The single broke a new record for being the first Korean single to have made within top 10 on Japan's Oricon Weekly Chart. On August 2, 2008, Super Junior expanded their routes to Genting Highlands, Malaysia, being one of the top guest performers at the MTV Asia Awards 2008 along with other international performing artists such as OneRepublic and the Jabbawockeez. They are the third SM artist to win Favorite Artist Korea at the MTV Asia Awards after Kangta and BoA, and the second musical group to win the award after JTL in 2003.

Super Junior's third album, Sorry, Sorry, was released on March 12, 2009 with acclaimed reviews. The title single of the album, "Sorry, Sorry" was digitally released on March 9, 2009. In less than a week after preorders were announced, over 150,000 copies were pre-ordered. Sorry, Sorry was their first album to debut at #1 on the Hanteo Charts, and it sold over 29,000 copies the first day, defeating Seo Taiji's record of 25,000. Promotions for the album started March 13 with the performance of "Sorry, Sorry" and "Why I Like You" on Music Bank. Two weeks later, "Sorry, Sorry" became the number one song of the week on the same program. During the group's performance on music program Popular Songs on March 15, ratings went up to as high as 14%, the highest in recent years. From March to May, "Sorry, Sorry" collected a total of ten #1 awards with consecutive wins in Korea, having the single becoming a national and international success. After only a month of release, the album became South Korea's best-selling album of 2009. Sorry, Sorry was also a critically and commercially successful hit in other Asian countries, opting the group to become the only overseas representative for the second time at Taiwan's annual Golden Melody Awards. Sorry, Sorry was a best-selling Korean-language album in Taiwan, Thailand, China, and the Philippines, in which the latter listed the album to be the first K-pop album to reach #1 in music charts from the country. 

Super Junior [Korean: 슈퍼주니어], often referred to as SJ or SuJu [슈주], is a boy band from Seoul, South Korea formed by SM Entertainment in 2005. With a total of thirteen members, they are the largest boy band in the world. The group consists of Leeteuk (the leader), Heechul, Han Geng, Yesung, Kang-in, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook, Kibum, and later, Kyuhyun. The Chinese member, Han Geng, was chosen from three thousand applicants, via auditions held in China by SM. 

*SM Entertainment
*13 members + 2 guest members
*Sub-Group :
-Super Junior
-Super Junior-H (Happy)
-Super Junior-M (Mandarin)
-Super Junior-T (Trot)
-Super Junior K.R.Y (Kyu Hyun, Ryeo Wook, Ye Sung )

Super Junior-Lee Teuk
Birth Name: Park Jung Soo
D.O.B.: 1st July 1983
Blood Type: A
Height: 178cm
Sub-group: Super Junior-H, Super Junior-T, Super Junior
Position: Super Junior/H/T Leader, Sub-vocal
School: Paekche Junior College

Super Junior-Hee Chul
Birth Name: Kim Hee Chul
D.O.B.: 10th July 1983
Blood Type: AB
Height: 178cm
Sub-group: Super Junior-T, Super Junior, Actor
Position: Sub-leader, Rapper, Sub-vocal
School: Sangji University

Super Junior-Han Kyung
Birth Name: Han Geng
D.O.B.: 9th February 1984
Blood Type: B
Height: 181cm
Sub-group: Super Junior-M, Super Junior
Position: Sub-vocal, Super Junior-M Leader
School: Beijing Central Ethnical University

Super Junior-Ye Sung
Birth Name: Kim Jong Woon
D.O.B.: 24th August 1984
Blood Type: AB
Height: 178cm
Sub-group: Super Junior-H, Super Junior K.R.Y, Super Junior
Position: Lead vocal, Super Junior K.R.Y Leader
School: Chungwoon University

Super Junior-Kang In
Birth Name: Kim Young Woon
D.O.B.: 17th January 1985
Blood Type: O
Height: 181cm
Sub-group: Super Junior-H, Super Junior-T, Super Junior
Position: Sub-vocal
School: Kyunghee Cyber University(Major:Cultural Arts Management)

Super Junior-Shin Dong
Birth Name: Shin Dong Hee
D.O.B.: 28th September 1985
Blood Type: O
Height: 178cm
Sub-group: Super Junior-H, Super Junior-T, Super Junior
Position: Rapper
School: Paekche Junior College (Major: Dance)

Super Junior-Sung Min
Birth Name: Lee Sung Min
D.O.B.: 1st January 1986
Blood Type: A
Height: 178cm
Sub-group: Super Junior-H, Super Junior-T, Super Junior
Position: Main Vocal
School:Myongji University (Major: Film Musical)
Super Junior-Eun Hyuk
Birth Name: Lee Hyuk Jae
D.O.B.: 4th April 1986
Blood Type: O
Height: 175cm
Sub-group: Super Junior-H, Super Junior-T, Super Junior
Position: Rapper, Sub-vocal
School: Paichai University

Super Junior-Dong Hae
Birth name: Lee Dong Hae
D.O.B.: 15th October 1986
Height: 178cm
Sub-group: Super Junior-M, Super Junior
Position: Rapper, Sub-vocal
School: Myongji University(Major:Performance Arts)

Super Junior-Si Won
Birth Name: Choi Si Won
D.O.B.: 10th February 1987
Blood Type: B
Height: 183cm
Sub-group: Super Junior-M, Super Junior
Position: Sub-vocal
School: Inha University(Major:Physical education)

Super Junior-Ryeo Wook
Birth Name: Kim Ryeo Wook
D.O.B.: 21st June 1987
Blood Type: O
Height: 173cm
Sub-group: Super Junior-M, Super Junior, Super Junior K.R.Y
Position: Main Vocal
School: Inha University(Major:Theater Arts)

Super Junior-Ki Bum
Birth Name: Kim Ki Bum
D.O.B.: 21st August 1987
Blood Type: A
Height: 179cm
Sub-group: Super Junior, Actor
Position: Rapper
School: Inha University(Major:Theater Arts)
Super Junior-Kyu Hyun
Birth Name: Cho Kyu Hyun
D.O.B.: 3rd February 1988
Blood Type: A
Height: 180cm
Sub-group: Super Junior-M, Super Junior, Super Junior K.R.Y
Position: Main vocal
School: Kyunghee University(Major:Post Modern Music)

2 Guest Members :
Super Junior-M: Zhou Mi
Birth Name: Zhou Mi
D.O.B.: 19th April 1986
Height: 185cm
Sub-group: Super Junior-M
Super Junior-M: Henry
Birth Name: Henry Lau
D.O.B.: 11th October 1989
Height: 176cm
Sub-group: Super Junior-M

e.l.f always supporting u all........
So,must always be 13!!!
13 forever...
Suju fighting!!!!^^
